
《灰飞烟灭》的叙事策略研究 被引量:3

On Narrative Strategies in “Sólo cenizas hallarás”
摘要 厄瓜多尔作家劳尔·佩雷斯·托雷斯的短篇小说《灰飞烟灭》采用了"近景"与"远景"相交织的构图方式,赋予作品强烈的立体感与生命力。小说在勾勒一段创伤式的爱情悲剧的同时,重塑并解构了当下及一段被"神话"的历史。通过文本隐喻背后的象征性表达,折射出作者对历史与当下的再审视,传递出作者寄予人们打破历史神话、走出历史阴霾、重拾民族自信、构建民族身份的期许。 Raúl Pérez Torres's short story'Sólo cenizas hallarás',mixing'close-up'and'panorama',endows the story with a strong sense of depth and vitality.This story presents a traumatic love tragedy,which reconstructs and deconstructs the'now'and an enchanting historical period.Through symbolic expression underlying the metaphorical text,this story reflects the author's anatomy of the past and the present,and conveys the author's hope that the people can demystify the history to break loose from its blinding haze,and that the people can restore national confidence and rebuild a national identity.
作者 张珂
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期3-9,157,共7页 Foreign Literature
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