
晚期早产与学龄前期儿童发育性运动协调障碍的相关研究 被引量:1

Relevant study on late-preterm birth and developmental coordination disorder in preschool children
摘要 目的探讨晚期早产儿与学龄前期发生发育性运动协调障碍(developmentalcoordinationdisorder,DCD)的关系,为能进行有效干预提供依据。方法2012年6—12月于江苏省苏南、苏中、苏北随机整群抽取5个城市25所幼儿园中6811名3~6岁学龄前儿童,对儿童一般健康状况和出生史进行问卷调查,运用儿童运动成套评估工具第2版(MovementAssessmentBatteryforChildren—SecondEdition,MABC-2)对递交有效问卷的6155名儿童进行运动协调能力测试,研究不良出生史对儿童运动协调能力发展的损伤。结果6147名儿童完成所有测试,晚期早产儿DCD及手灵巧度低下发生率与足月儿相比差异无统计学意义,但动静态平衡能力显著低于足月儿(P=0.014),目标抓握能力低于足月儿(P=0.051)。结论晚期早产可损伤儿童学龄前期动静态平衡和目标抓握能力,其原因可能与脑发育过程中不同部位损伤有关。 Objective To explore the relationship between late-preterm birth and developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in children aged 3 to 6 years old. Methods A total of 6 811 children aged 3~6 were randomly selected from 25 kindergartens of 5 cities located at southern, northern, middle areas of Jiangsu Province, respectively. A questionnaire was used to investigate their birth history and health condition. Children who submitted the questionnaire without missing items took part in the motor ability test by Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2). Results A total of 6 147 children finished all the tests. No evidence showed that late-preterm birth had an effect on DCD and manual dexterity impairment,but it may be related to childreffs aiming & catching ability, and late-preterm birth children did have dramatic lower balance skill ability than full term birth children. Conclusion Late-preterm birth is harmful to balance skills as well as aiming & catching skills in preschool children,and impairment on different part to the growing brain may be the possible reason.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2015年第10期1084-1086,共3页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 江苏省科技计划项目(BE2011673) 苏州市科技计划项目(SYS201145)
关键词 发育性运动协调障碍 早产 低出生体重 developmental coordination disorder preterm birth low birth weight
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