Complete and clear DNA profiles are the decisive evidence for criminal suspects to be identified. Whereas, in forensic practice, DNA profiles come out at times as mixed or partial ones, resulting in the relevant cases turning into "cold cases" because of chronic postponement out of inability to compare and match. The Express Search of National Database can offer crucial support for solving this sort of cases if the relevant partial DNA spectrums from one "cold case" become available. Based on this idea, 21 unsolved cases in the year of2011 were assorted in combination of National Database by the mixed DNA profiles being de-convolved into individual spectrums to make the potential suspects' able to be matched. This handling conduced 19 cases having got their valuable DNA spectrums, successfully directing two murder cases to be solved by the above method of de-convolution. How to produce an available DNA profile and split out its usable spectrums is the key to solve the cases of mixed evidential materials without suspects attached. Consequently, the optimization of amplification parameters and conditions, selection of reliable loci to be matched and ascertainment of multiple chosen collocations were analyzed and discussed in this paper, therefore putting forth the essentially technical points on de-convolving a mixed DNA profile. This paper presents the deep mining of partial DNA profiles to exert their potential values with National Database to play its predominance of data and information, bringing the dormant partial DNA spectrums into life and "cold cases" uncovered, very beneficial to supply thoughts and reference for setting up new patterns of cases solving.
Forensic Science and Technology