基于海事部门船舶运输管理系统(VTS)资料及交通运输部长江干线货运量统计资料,对长江口12.5 m深水航道运行状况及特点进行分析,并探讨当前深水航道通航压力的缓解对策及建议。研究表明:长江口航道货物通过量快速增长,重进轻出态势进一步发展;通航船舶运营组织方式发生一定变化,船舶朝大型化方向发展,尤其船宽超过45 m以上大型船舶数量增加明显,长江口12.5 m主航道的双向通航能力尚显不足。为缓解当前乃至未来一段时间内长江口深水航道通航压力,宜加快长江口航道体系建设的实施步伐,并适时加强长江口主航道拓宽可能性的研究。
Based on the information from the shipping management system (VTS) and the statistical data on the Yangtze River cargo transport from the Ministry of Transport, this paper analyzes the operating conditions and characteristics of the 12. 5 m navigation channel, and discusses the strategy and suggestion on alleviating the navigable pressure of the deepwater channel. The research shows that the Yangtze estuary waterway cargo's throughput achieves a rapid growth and the trend of "heavy in-light out" is more obvious. The ship operation organization changes to a certain extent, and the trend of ship enlargement becomes obvious. Especially, the number of over control type ship (the width is over 45 m) grows up sharply, and the bidirectional navigation ability of the 12. 5 m main channel is insufficient. For relieving the navigation pressure of the Yangtze estuary deepwater channel in the current and next period of time, the execution pace of the Yangtze estuary waterway system construction should be accelerated, and the research on the feasibility of main channel's broadening of the Yangtze estuary is strengthened in time.
Port & Waterway Engineering
12. 5 m deepwater channel of the Yangtze estuary
operation status
navigation feature