

Analysis on the Operation Mechanism of MBA Professional Accreditation in China
摘要 为保证我国工商管理硕士教育的可持续发展,提高我国MBA教育的整体办学质量,必须改进和完善现有的MBA质量评估体系。文中分析了MBA和专业认证的特性,认为MBA是一种以市场为导向,培养实用性高级管理人才的教育服务活动,是一种特殊的研究生教育,我国应借鉴西方发达国家专业认证的成功经验,建立起符合中国特色的MBA专业认证机制。政府、社会和学校作为我国MBA教育专业认证的运行主体,应明晰各自的责权划分,充分发挥专业认证的四大功能,优化MBA专业认证的政策和法律环境,发挥我国MBA教育指导委员会的作用,着力培养中介组织,建立完善的内部运行机制,逐步提升我国MBA教育的品牌形象和教育质量。 To boost the development of MBA education and improve the quality of running the school,it is necessary for us to ameliorate and consummate the quality evaluation system of MBA.The paper analyzes the characteristic of MBA and its professional accreditation.It assumes that MBA,which is oriented by the market,aims at cultivating senior management talents.The education service is a kind of special postgraduate education.We should adopt the successful experiences of western advanced countries and set up the operation mechanism of MBA professional accreditation with the Chinese characteristic.As the governor of the MBA professional accreditation,government,society and college should clarify their duty,play full function,optimize its political and legal environment,make full use of MBA educational guidance commission,develop middle organization and build up sophisticated interior operation mechanism,so as to improve the brand image and education quality of MBA.
作者 聂鑫 王莹
出处 《湖北成人教育学院学报》 2015年第5期31-34,53,共5页 Journal of Hubei Adult Education Institute
关键词 工商管理硕士 认证 运行机制 MBA accreditation operation mechanism
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