Objective: To analysis Post-abortion Care (PAC) impacting on mental health condition for unmarried women with first artificial abortion. Methods.. The study was a non randomized controlled trial. 200 unmarried women with first artificial abortion from department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Shenyang Military Region General Hos- pital were recruited and assigned to two groups. Group A: 100 women received additional PAC service; Group B: 100 women received routine artificial abortion only. SCL-90 was used to measure mental health level of women before or af ter artificial abortion in both groups. And the results were also compared with the data of Chinese norm. Results: Com- pare to Group A,B and the Chinese norm: 7 factors had significant differences. When the result of two hours after arti- ficial abortion was compared to that of operation before, 5 factors of Group A and 2 factors of Group B declined, which had significant difference ; group A compared to group B after artificial abortion two hours, there were 6 factors signif- icant differences. Conclusion: Mental health level of unmarried women with first artificial abortion is significantly lower than that of normal people. Compared to routine artificial abortion only, additional PAC can effectively alleviate psy- chological pressure and will improve mental health level of unmarried women with first artificial abortion t.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning