

The Value and Meaning of Research on the Modern University System
摘要 现代大学制度价值研究是现代大学制度研究不可或缺的重要构成。我国现代大学制度面临诸多实践困境:一是政府力量在大学的"成形"过程中发挥了决定性作用,为后来大学的过度政治化、行政化奠定了其合法性的历史基础;二是在我国现代大学制度化进程中,虽然有关大学制度改革的浪潮此起彼伏,但是由于功利主义和技术主义思想的长期主导,我国大学的制度建设仅仅局限于制度形式的建设和完善,严重忽视了对制度本质的理性探问,从而使得大学制度的技术性与价值性二元对立,陷入了形式化、技术化的改革误区;三是人们往往将大学制度存在的问题归因于技术层面,并且也主要是基于技术主义哲学对大学制度建设展开的,鲜有从价值层面追问大学制度问题的成因,缺乏对大学制度价值属性的充分认识。因此,从价值角度研究现代大学制度既是解决现行大学制度实践困境的需要,同时价值论、制度论、现代大学论为其奠定了坚实的理论基础。现代大学制度价值研究是一种关系思维主导研究、大学理念研究及观照实践的研究,也是一种对现代大学的本质与存在意义进行探询和追问的研究,是对现代大学存在的根据或前提进行思索的研究,某种意义上也是一种现代大学本体论研究。基于价值视角开展现代大学制度研究,应当遵循真理与价值相统一、差异性与同一性相统一和继承性与创新性相统一等方法论原则。 Research on the value is an indispensable part of the research of modern university system. The modern university system of China are facing many practical dilemma. Firstly, the government force is critical in the building of universities, which is the historical foundation of the too much political and administration ; secondly, in the process of systematization of modern university of China, though with the arising of the reform of universi- ty system, guiding by the utilitarianism and the technological doctrine, the construction of China university system is limited in the construction and improvement of the form, which ignores the reasonable exploration of the essence of the system, leading to the duality - opposition of the technology and the value, trapped in the wrong reform of formalization and technology; thirdly, people usually ascribe the problems of university to the technology aspect, and mainly based on the technology philosophy to build the university system, rarely from the value aspect to ques- tion the reasons of university system problems, lack of the complete recognition of university system attribution. As a result, it is necessary to solve the practical dilemma of university system from the perspective of value to study the modern university system, and the value, system and modern university provide solid theoretic foundation. The study of the modern university value is the guiding study of the relation thought, the study of the university concept, the study of the practice, and the study of the exploration of the essence and significance of the modern university, the study of the thought of the existing evidence or premise of modern university, and the study of modern university ontology to some extent. Based on the perspective of the vale to the study the modern university system should fol- low the unity of the theory and value, unity of the differences and similarities, and the unity of the succession and innovation, and other fundamental methodologies.
作者 唐世纲
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2015年第5期39-44,共6页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划教育部重点课题"学术职业视野中的现代大学制度价值研究"(DIA140300) 广西教育科学"十二五"规划重点课题"冲突与整合:中国现代大学制度建设的价值逻辑研究"(2015A023) 玉林师范学院博士科研启动基金课题"大学制度价值研究"(G20140004)
关键词 现代大学制度 制度价值 现代大学 大学治理 modern university system system value modern university university governance
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