Adelie penguins are good bio-indicators of Antarctic climate and environment, their occupation history and population dynamics are important on inferring the information of past glacial retreat and climate changes. Todate, the paleoecological studies of penguin are focus on the area of Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Sea, studies on East Antarctica, however, are scarce. During CHINARE-22, we investigated the Adelie penguin colonies in Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica, collected several penguin ornithogenic sediment cores. In this paper we introduced the eco-geochemical studies on these penguin ornithogenic sediment cores, including the inference of the occupation history and population dynamics of Adelie penguins on Vestfold Hills. The inferreded occupation history of Adelie penguins are well correlated with the deglaciation and formation of ice-free areas, and the penguin populations increased during the climate optimum and declined in ice glacial period.
Journal of Earth Environment