Objective To evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes of ileal D - pouch and J - pouch anal anastomosis for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Methods The all 35 patients, including 26 cases of UC and 9 cases of FAP undergoing proctocolectomy between January, 2013 and March, 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Eleven patients underwent D -ile- um pouch anal anastomosis and 24 J - ileum pouch anal anastomosis. The intra - operation results and Wexner incontinence score (WIS) at 6th month post - operation were analyzed retrospectively. Results The mean age of the patients with D - pouch was 42 years ( range, 18 - 61 years), and that of the patients with J - pouch was 47 years ( range, 21 - 59 years ). The operational duration, time creating pouch, vol- ume of pouch and estimated blood loss were comparable in those two groups during operation. One female patient with FAP undergoing D -pouch suffered anal anastomosis vagina leakage on the 21st day post - operation. In patients with J - pouch, there was 1 case of percutaneous pouch fistula, 1 case of primary sclerosing cholangitis and 1 case of severe pouchitis. The defecation frequency was 4 -6 times per day in patients with D - pouch and 5 - 8 times per day in patients with J - pouch at 6th month post - operation. Wexner incontinence scores in patients with D - pouch were less than those with J - pouch (3±2 vs. 5 ±2 ,P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion D- ileum pouch is safe and effective, and can be an alternative pouch con- structed model for the treatment of UC and FAP.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery