
战略知识产权管理形态结构及实施体系研究 被引量:4

Configuration of Strategic Intellectual Property Management and its Implementing System
摘要 形态是基于系统论视角研究组织系统结构,探讨一般结构及理想结构的理论与方法。战略知识产权管理的一般形态是由战略知识产权理念、战略知识产权规划、战略知识产权管理核心职能和战略知识产权管理平台等要素构成的有机系统,可用"6P"框架进行进一步描述和分析。战略知识产权管理的理想形态可用"三全一协同"来概括。战略知识产权管理的实施策略是"构建体系,战略引领与推动,协同融合,职能创新,策略应对",具体实施方法包括优化投入、培育知识产权文化、培养价值观念和行为规范等。 Organizational Configuration as a method based on system theory can be used to explore general and ideal struc‐ture of a specific system .The general Configuration of Strategic Intellectual Property Management (SIPM ) is an organic system composed of perspective of IPR ,plan of IPR ,key function of IPR and Platform of IPR .And that"6P"framework can be used to describe and analyze SIPM further .The ideal form of SIPM can be highly summarized as "three all-round and one coordination"The SIPM implementation strategy includes constructing system ,guiding and promoting the cooper‐ative strategy ,integration of IPR management ,function innovation ,strategic distribution and reaction ,the main method of specific implementation strategy including the optimization of investment ,fostering IPR culture ,are also provided .
作者 黄国群
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第18期126-131,共6页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 知识产权 战略知识产权管理 形态理论 实施体系 Strategic Intellectual Property Management SIPM Configuration Theory Implementing System
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