The DPPH scavenging ability of soymilk fermented with lactic acid bacteria under different fermentation conditions were investigated in this paper. According to the result, the optimal combination of starter species was S. thermophilus, L. plantarum and L. helveticus at a ratio of 2∶1.5∶1.5. The optimal fermentation parameters were temperature of 37 ℃, solids content of 12% and fermentation time of 6 h.Under above conditions, the fermented soymilk showed the highest ability to scavenge DPPH free radicals(84.3%). Besides, the radical scavenging ability of fermented soymilk was compared with that of Baiyu lactone soymilk and bean curd which were coagulated by chemical method. The result indicated that the scavenging rate of lactone bean curd of Baiyu lactone soymilk and bean curd was only32.1% and 23.2%. According to the comparison, the free radical scavenging ability of soymilk was significantly improved by lactic acid fermentation. This product which had no beany flavor would be beneficial to human health.
通过设置不同的发酵条件,包括乳酸菌组合、发酵温度、发酵时间和豆汁固形物含量,测定发酵豆乳清除DPPH自由基的能力。结果表明,发酵菌种嗜热链球菌、植物乳杆菌和瑞士乳杆菌的最优比例为2∶1.5∶1.5,并且在发酵温度37℃、发酵时间6 h、固形物含量为12%的条件下,发酵豆乳的自由基清除率最高,达到84.3%。通过与未经乳酸菌发酵的白玉牌内酯豆乳和白玉牌豆腐进行比较,研究发现白玉牌内酯豆乳和白玉牌豆腐对自由基清除率只有32.1%和23.2%,表明乳酸菌发酵能显著提高豆乳的自由基清除能力。
Supported by Key Technology Research and Development Program of Tianjin(11ZCKNC01800)~~