
杭州市城区成年居民步行时间与建成环境主观感知的关联分析 被引量:4

Association between walking time and perception of built environment among urban adults in Hangzhou
摘要 目的 了解杭州市城区成年居民步行与建成环境主观感知之间的关系.方法 2012年采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法选取杭州市城区25~59岁居民开展面对面问卷调查.采用国际体力活动量表长版(IPAQ-L)和社区步行环境量表简版(NEWS-A)评价居民过去1周交通出行相关步行时间、休闲性步行时间以及建成环境主观感知.利用多因素logistic回归法分析步行与建成环境主观感知得分的关联性.结果 杭州市城区成年居民过去1周总体力活动得分M=2 766 met·min-1·week-1,平均1周休闲相关步行时间为90 min,平均1周交通相关步行时间则为100 min.控制年龄、BMI、婚姻状况、工作状态、文化程度、居住社区类型、总体力活动水平后,男性(OR=0.764,95% CI:0.588 ~ 0.992)和女性(OR=0.633,95%CI:0.481 ~ 0.833)的休闲性步行时间均与场所设施可及性维度得分呈负相关,女性休闲性步行时间还与住宅密度维度得分呈负相关(OR=0.997,95%CI:0.996 ~ 0.999),女性交通出行相关步行时间则与步行道/自行车道维度得分呈正相关(OR=1.537,95%CI:1.138 ~ 2.075).男性交通出行相关步行时间与建成环境主观感知各维度得分的关联均无统计学意义.结论 可通过改善步行道/自行车道等建成环境促进成年居民的交通相关步行时间,开展成年人步行的环境干预时需要考虑性别差异. Objective To explore the association between walking time and the perception of built environment among local adults in Hangzhou.Methods Through multistage stratified random sampling,a total of 1 440 urban residents aged 25-59 years were surveyed in Hangzhou by face-to face interview in 2012.The international physical activity questionnaire-long version (IPAQ-L) was used to assess the physical activity levels,including walking time in the past week.Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale-Abbreviated (NEWS-A) was used to obtain information about their perception of built environment.Multiple logistic regression was applied to estimate the relationship between waking and the perception of built environment.Results Among the local adults in Hangzhou,the median of total physical activity was 2 766 met · min-1 · week 1,the average walking time per week was 90 min for leisure and 100 min for transportation respectively.After controlling the age,marital status,BMI,educational level,employment,community type and the total PA scores,the leisure-time walking was negatively related to the accessibility to stores,facilities and other things for both man (OR=0.764,95%CI:0.588-0.992) and woman (OR=0.633,95%CI:0.481-0.833).In sex specific analysis,the leisure-time walking was negatively related with the residential density (OR=0.997,95%CI:0.996-0.999) while transportation related walking was positively related with walking/cycling way scores (OR=1.537,95% CI:1.138-2.075) in females.In contrast,there were no significant associations between perception of built environment and transportation related walking in males.Conclusion Improving the built environment,such as the walking/cycling way,might be useful to increase the transportation related walking time for adults.The sex specific differences need to be considered in the environment intervention for walking promotion.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1085-1088,共4页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81072373) 杭州市卫生科技计划重点项目(Hws20112017)
关键词 步行 建成环境 关联 Walking Built environment Association
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