
外源CO对筋骨草β-蜕皮甾酮积累的影响 被引量:4

Effects of exogenous CO on the accumulation of β-ecdysterone in Ajugasp.
摘要 为了明确一氧化碳(CO)对植物次生代谢物的调控作用,本研究分析了多花筋骨草(Ajuga multiflora)和匐枝筋骨草(A.lobata)根和叶诱导愈伤组织中β-蜕皮甾酮的含量,并将β-蜕皮甾酮含量高的匐枝筋骨草根诱导的愈伤组织进行悬浮培养。将不同浓度的CO供体氯高铁血红素添加到筋骨草悬浮培养体系中发现,CO促进了悬浮细胞中β-蜕皮甾酮的合成。同时发现,当处理8d时,低浓度的CO处理(8μmol·L-1)使β-蜕皮甾酮的积累量提高了80.82%,但高浓度处理(12、16、20μmol·L-1)的悬浮细胞中β-蜕皮甾酮含量显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。上述结果初步证实了低浓度CO(8μmol·L-1)处理对匐枝筋骨草悬浮细胞中β-蜕皮甾酮的积累具有促进作用。 Carbon monoxide (CO) is an important signaling molecule in plants and has a regulatory role in many physiological processes. In the present study, the screened high-yield β-ecdysterone suspension cells coming from the root of Ajuga rnultiflora and Ajuga lobata were used as the main experiment materials to study the effects of carbon monoxide (CO) on accumulation of β-ecdysone. Different concentrations of hemin were added in the A. lobata root suspension cells culture respectively. The result showed that hemin increased the systhesis of β-ecdysone. The treatment with 8 μmol · L 1 heroin for 8-day had the best indu- cing effect (P〈0.05) on the accumulation of β-ecdysone which improved by 80.82% comparing with that of control after heroin treatment. These researches will enrich the theory of elicitor and signal molecular on secondary metabolite regulation and provide the theory basis and the technical support for large-scale β- ecdysone production.
出处 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1438-1443,共6页 Pratacultural Science
基金 中央高效基本科研业务专项资金项目(DL13EA08-03) 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金(415288)
关键词 氯高铁血红素 悬浮培养 蜕皮激素 hemin suspension culture ecdysone
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