利用1981 ~ 1993、2012 ~2014年郯城中华银杏物候观测资料,分析了郯城银杏生长气象条件及最佳观赏期特点,结果表明,郯城的气温、地温、光照条件均适合银杏生长发育;5~ 10月的降水量及相对湿度条件也均适合银杏生长发育,但5~10月的月极端最高气温均高于28℃,所以栽培中要注意防御高温.郯城银杏最佳观赏期平均开始时间是10月13 ~ 14日,最早的是10月7日,最晚的是10月19日;最佳观赏期平均持续时间是17 d,最长的是26d,最短的是8d.开始时间与持续时间在0.01水平上显著相关,相关系数为-0.719.开始时间与前期日均温、总降水量、总日照时数等气象要素长期累积效应数据的相关性不明显,与临近一周的日均温、平均气温日较差、降水量等气象要素短期效应数据均呈显著负相关;持续时间与前期总降水量、总日照时数等气象要素长期累积效应数据的相关性不明显,与前期日均温、短期临近一周的日均温、平均气温日较差均呈极显著正相关,与临近一周的降水量、期间日照时数均呈显著正相关.
Using phenology observation data of Tancheng ginkgo during 1982 - 1993, 2012 - 2014, the growing meteorological conditions of Tancheng ginkgo and the characteristics of the best viewing period were analyzed. The results show that : Tancheng temperature, ground temperature and light conditions are suitable for the growth and development of ginkgo; 5 - 10 monthly precipitation and relative humidity condi- tions are also suitable for the growth and development of ginkgo, but monthly extreme maximum temperature of 5 - 10 months are all higher than 28, so attention should be paid to the high temperature during cultivation. The average start time of the best viewing period of Taneheng ginkgo is October 13 - 14, the earliest time is October 7th, and the latest time is October 19th. The average duration of the best viewing period of Taneheng ginkgo is 17 days, the longest is 26 days, the shortest is 8 days. The start time is significantly correlated with the duration at 0.0.1 level, the correlation coefficient is -0.719. The correlation between start time and previous daily average temperature, total precipitation, total sunshine hours and other long-term cumulative effect data of meteorological elements is not obvious ; The start time is significant negatively correlated with daily average temperature, average diurnal temperature, precipitation of last week and other short-term effect data of meteorological elements, related direction is negative correlation. The correlation between the duration and previous total precipitation, total sunshine hours and other long-term cumulative effect data of meteorological elements is not obvious ; The duration is significant positively correlated with previous daily average temperature, short-term daily average temperature of last week and average diurnal temperature ; The duration is significant positively correlated with precipitation of last week and sunshine hours during the best viewing period.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Tancheng ginkgo
Meteorological condition
Optimal viewing period
Relevant analysis