
我国互联网金融客户接受意愿影响因素研究 被引量:15

A Study on Factors Influencing the Adoption Willingness of Internet Finance Customers in China
摘要 在信息技术发展和金融市场需求的双重推动下,我国互联网金融产业得到迅速发展并逐步成为实现普惠金融的新型载体。文章以互联网金融典型模式余额宝为例,通过引入信任理论和多维风险感知变量对技术接受模型(TAM)和计划行为理论(TPB)的集成模型进行拓展,构建基于互联网金融理财支付模式下客户接受意愿影响因素模型。通过设计模型变量的衡量量表和发放调查问卷进行实证研究。研究结果表明:信任和感知有用性是决定客户选择余额宝的决定因素,感知多维风险对客户使用意愿的负面影响显著,且以感知经济风险和感知安全风险为主,而感知易用性对客户使用意愿的作用已大幅弱化。文章最后从机构和行业持续健康发展角度出发,提出实践性建议。 Double driven by the development of information teehnology and the demand of finaneial market, Chinese inter,let financial industry is rapidly developing and gradually beeomes a new carrier for Inclusive Finance. This paper takes 'Yu' ebao' , which is a typical mode of internet finance, as an example, by introducing the theory of trust and perceived multidi- mensional risk variables, the paper expands the integrated model of technology acceptance model (TAM) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and constructs the model of factors intluencing the adoption willingness of customers based on internet finance management and payment mode. The paper makes an empirical stndy through the design of measnrement of model vari- ables anti the questionnaire survey. The study resuhs show that trust and perceived usefulness are the decisive factors to deter- mine customers to choose 'Yu' ebao' , perceived multidimensional risks have negative impacts on it. perceived economic risk and perceived security risk are the two main factors amnng them. whereas the impact of perceived ease of use on the adop- tion willingness of customers has been significantly weakened. Finally, the paper nmkes some practicable suggestions from the perspective of the sustainable and healthy development of institutions and industry.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期161-167,共7页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AZD033) 国家社会科学基金一般项目(14BJY194)
关键词 互联网金融 信任 感知风险 接受意愿 internet finance trust perceived risk adoption willingness
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