
19世纪末美国学院向大学转型研究 被引量:1

The Transition from the Old Colony Colleges to the Modern Universities During the End of 19^(th) Century
摘要 19世纪末期,美国的高等院校发生了重大变革——开始从传统的"殖民地学院"向现代"研究型大学"转型。其转型方式主要有两种:一是将殖民地时期的传统学院改造成为德国式的研究型大学;二是新建以研究生教育为重点的新型大学。这一转型完成了美国高校的新定位——从知识教学向学术研究的蜕变,确立了研究型大学以科研职能为重点的地位,奠定了美国研究型大学的重要基础。美国学院的转型,推动了其学术职业化的进程,促进了大学学术组织和学术管理的深刻变化。 During the end of 19th century, American colleges and universities began to change the old colony colleges into the modern research universities. It had been realized mainly by two modes, one by changing the old colony colleges into German-styled research universities, the other by foun- ding new universities which focused on graduated education. The transition caused the changes of function of universities from knowledge teaching into academic research which established the impor- tant role of academic research in universities and the key factors of Amercian research universities. This transition not only pushed American academic profession ahead rapidly, but also made the aca- demic organization and academic management into profound changes.
作者 李子江
出处 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期62-65,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(10YJA880070) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助重点项目
关键词 现代大学制度 学院转型 研究型大学 美国高等教育 system of modern universities college transition research university academic organi-zation and management
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