
基于热力学计算对GH4169合金的成分设计 被引量:2

Compositions Design of GH4169 Alloy Based on Thermodynamic Calculation
摘要 利用Thermo-calc热力学计算软件和相应的镍基高温合金数据库,预测了GH4169合金在凝固过程中合金元素在液相中再分配的规律,结果表明,Nb元素在凝固过程中偏析最为严重,Mo,Cr等元素也存在一定程度的偏析。综合分析了主要合金元素对GH4169合金的两相区温度差以及平衡析出相的析出规律,尤其是对强化相γ'以及"黑斑"中的主要组成相δ相析出规律的影响。结果表明,合理调整GH4169合金中的主要合金元素的含量后,可以缩短合金两相区温度差,促进强化相γ'相的析出,同时抑制δ相的析出,从而得到偏析少、性能稳定的GH4169合金。 The redistribution law of alloy elements in alloy GH4169 during the process of solidification was predicted. The result shows that Niobium is one of the most serious segregation elements during solidification. The influence of main alloy elements on the mushy zone temperature difference and main equilibrium precipitated phases,especially the strengthening phase γ' as well as δ were analyzed by using the Thermo-Calc software and the corresponding nickel-based database. It is showed that the mushy zone temperature difference is shortened,the precipitation of γ' phase would be promoted,but δ phase is inhibited after adjusting the content of elements appropriately,then the important theory basis for the development of investigating less segregation,stable performance of GH4169 was provided.
出处 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期1-6,共6页 Journal of Aeronautical Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51204041) 中央高校基本科研业务费国家项目培育种子基金资助项目(N130402016) 辽宁省高校创新团队支持计划资助(LT20120008)
关键词 热力学计算 GH4169 成分设计 平衡析出相 thermodynamic calculation GH4169 composition design equilibrium precipitated phases
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