Horizontal well development shows great potential in bottom water reservoir of Yan' an Formation. However, in -depth research has not been conducted on parameters design of horizontal wells. Reasonable degree of the parameter de- sign directly affects the development effect of horizontal wells. Taking a reservoir of Yah' an Formation in a typical block as an example, we detellnined well pattern, length of horizontal section, vertical location of horizontal section, well spacing and other parameters of different reservoirs by employing the numerical simulation method based on the reservoir geology study of this block. Results showed that the well pattern with dislocation of half well spacing and perpendicular to the direc- tion of sand body at horizontal section was optimized when reservoir was large in scale. When the reservoir was so small that overall pattern could not be formed, the wells would be placed along gently-dipping structures at higher position of reser- voirs. Reasonable length of the horizontal section of horizontal wells was 400m, reasonable position should be at a distance of 1/3 within the reservoir top position, and horizontal spacing was 250m. In addition we evaluated the development effect of horizontal wells with optimized parameters. As a result, after parameter optimization, daily oil production of horizontal wells at Yan' an Formation rose, decline got slowly, comprehensive water cut was relatively stable, and development effect was better. It was revealed that parameter design had certain instruction function to horizontal well development in similar reservoirs.
Unconventional Oil & Gas
Ordos Basin
bottom waler reservoir
horizontal well
numerical simulation
parameter optimization
develop-merit effect