Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) is a membrane protein which is attached to the cellular external membrane. The uPAR expression can be observed both in tumor cells and in tumor-associated stromal cells. Thus, in the present study, the human amino-terminal fragment (hATF), as a targeting element to uPAR, is used to conjugate to the surface of superparamagnetic iron nanopartiele (SPIO). Flowcytometry was used to examine the uPAR expression in different tumor cell lines. The specificity of hATF-SPIO was verified by Prussian blue stain and cell phantom test. The imaging properties of hATF SPIO were confirmed in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of uPAR-elevated colon tumor. Finally, the distribution of hATF-SPIO in tumor tissue was confirmed by pathologi- cal staining. Results showed that the three cells in which we screened, presented different expression characteristics,i. e. , Hela cells strongly expressed uPAR, HT29 cells moderately expressed uPAR, but Lovo cells didn't express uPAR. In vitro, after incubating with Hela cells, hATF-SPIO could specifically combined to and he subsequently in- ternalized by uPAR positive cells, which could be observed via Prussian blue staining. Meanwhile T2WI signal inten- sity of Hela cells, after incubation with targeted probe, significantly decreased, and otherwise no obvious changes in Lovo cells both by Prussian blue staining and MRI scans. In vivo, hATF-SPIO could be systematically delivered to HT29 xenograft and accumulated in the tumor tissue which was confirmed by Prussian Blue stain compared to Lovo xenografts. Twenty-four hours after injection of targeting probe, the signal intensity of HT29 xenografts was lower than Lovo ones which was statistically significant. This targeting nanoparticles enabled not only in vitro specifically combining to uPAR positive cells but also in vivo imaging of uPAR moderately elevated colon cancer lesions.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering
urokinase plasminogen activator receptor
molecular image l magnetic resonance imaging
colon cancer