
论惩罚性赔偿制度在著作权领域中的引入——以《著作权法》第三次修改为背景 被引量:12

Research on the Establishment and Application of Punitive Damages in China's Copyright Infringement: in the Background of the Third Amendment of Copyright Law of China
摘要 惩罚性赔偿是一种源于英美法系的责任形式,现代意义上的惩罚性赔偿制度诞生于英国,并很快被英美法系国家广泛接受。在著作权侵权领域,英国、美国、加拿大都形成了独具特色的惩罚性赔偿制度。大陆法系一直以来以完全赔偿为原则,坚持以填平为目标的补偿性赔偿,视"惩罚性赔偿"这一超于补偿目的的责任形式为异类,但在近些年的立法实践与理论探讨中,法国、德国、我国台湾地区等都在不同领域作出了突破。然而,在制度移植过程中,传统理论对公私法功能分界、侵权法功能定位的诟病是我们探讨在著作权侵权领域引入惩罚性赔偿制度时不可回避的问题。如果从公私法的功能分界、侵权法的预防功能、刑法谦抑原则、刑事责任与补偿性损害赔偿所面临的理性冷淡多角度审视这一问题,惩罚性赔偿在著作权法中的引入似乎并不存在根本障碍。着眼于我国著作权保护状况,现实中确实存在着著作权侵权行为泛滥、著作权刑法保护不足、补偿性赔偿判罚水平偏低等问题,具有震慑效果的惩罚性赔偿制度的引入具有非常现实的意义。在《著作权法》第三次修改正如火如荼进行的今天,明确惩罚性赔偿制度目的、厘清惩罚性赔偿与其他损害赔偿形式之间的关系、明确惩罚性赔偿制度的适用条件才是"当务之急"。 Punitive damages derived from common law liability. Punitive damages regime in the modern sense born in England, was soon widely accepted by common law countries. In the field of copyright infringement, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada have developed a unique system of punitive damages. Civil law system which has been to the principle of full compensation, adheres to compensatory damages with the goal of filling the loss of infringee, and regards the punitive damages as foreigners. But some civil law countries or regions, such as France, Germany and Taiwan, have made a breakthrough in legislative practice or theoretical discussion in recent years. However, the criticism of traditional theory about thefunctional division of public and private law, about the functional positioning of tort law are unavoidable problems when we explore the way to introduce the punitive damages into the field of copyright infringement. If we examine these problems above from four perspectives: the functional division of public and private law, the preventive function of tort law, and the rational apathy accompanied with criminal responsibility and compensatory damages, we will find that there is no obstacle to introduce punitive damages into copyright law. Focused on the situation of protection of right in copyright field, some problems existed in reality make the punitive damages meaningful, such as the flooding of copyright infringement, the insignificance of criminal protection, and the universal compensatory damages on the low side. In the background of the third time modification of copyright law, it is a priority to make clear three subjects: the purpose of the punitive damages, the relationship among the punitive damages, compensatory damagesand the statutory damages, and the condition of the appliance of punitive damages.
作者 陈静怡
出处 《科技与法律》 2015年第5期910-947,共38页 Science Technology and Law
关键词 惩罚性赔偿 著作权法 遏制 预防 Punitive Damages Copyright Law Restraint Prevention
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