
关于观众在科普场馆中科学知识理解的研究——以上海自然博物馆“千足百喙”展项为例 被引量:1

An empirical study on the understanding of the scientific knowledge of the audience in science and technology museums: A case study of the "thousands of foot and hundreds of bill" in Shanghai Natural History Museum
摘要 博物馆是重要的非正式科学教育场所,本文以上海自然博物馆“千足百喙”展项为案例,通过访谈、问卷调查和知识测评等方法,从识别、描述和解释三个层次分析观众对于展项主题相关科学知识的理解,进而对展项提出若干改进建议. Museums are important place of informal science learning. This paper takes "thousands of foot and hundreds of bill" in Shanghai Natural History Museum as a case study, adopting normative research tools, based on the interview of staffs, questionnaires and audience testing methods to study the understanding of scientific knowledge on the theme of the exhibition from three levels :identification, description and interpretation. And according to the results, we have some suggestions for this exhibition to improve.
出处 《科学教育与博物馆》 2015年第5期339-342,共4页 Science Education and Museums
关键词 展项设计 科学知识理解 评估 Exhibition design Understanding of scientific knowledge Assessment
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