
元代诗学与盛唐气象 被引量:4

The Poetics of the Yuan Dynasty and the Flourishment in the Heyday of the Tang Dynasty
摘要 元人认为,唐代以诗赋取士的科举制度,促进了唐诗的繁荣与发展,宋代以文取士,科举重经义、轻视甚至排斥诗赋,对诗歌的发展有阻碍作用,元初科举废弃,诗歌重新焕发青春。对唐、宋人提倡的诗"不平则鸣"与"穷而后工"之说,元代诗论家多持异议,他们认为诗歌应当歌咏盛世,这是与元朝大一统的思想相一致的。元诗效法唐诗,尤重以李、杜为代表的盛唐诗,对晚唐、南宋诗,则予以否定。元诗四大家虞、杨、范、揭以及元末著名诗人杨维桢的创作,直接或间接体现了元人的唐诗观,元诗所体现的"大元气象",其实是"盛唐气象"的重现。 Yuan scholars thought that the imperial examination system of selecting scholar-officials by their poem-and-fu writing promoted the prosperity and development of poem-writing in the Tang Dynasty, and that the Song government changed its imperial examination system into selecting scholar-officials by their prose-writing, valued Confucian classics argumentation, devalued and even dispelled poem-and-fu writing, which prevented the development of poem-writing. In the early Yuan Dynasty, the imperial examination system was abandoned and poem-writing was revived. Many Yuan scholars held different views from those Tang scholars who advocated the idea that injustice provokes outcry, and those Song scholars who advocated the idea that poverty reveals skillful poem-writing. They thought that poems should serve to praise the flourishing age, which was consistent with the idea of the great unification in the Yuan Dynasty. Yuan poets imitated Tang poems, and especially valued the poets represented by Li Bai (李白) and Du Fu (杜甫) in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, but thought lowly of the poems from the late Tang and Southern Song Dynasties. The poetic works of the four master poets of the Yuan Dynasty, including Yu Ji (虞集), Yang Zai(杨载) , Fan Peng(范椁) and Jie Xisi (揭侯斯), and the renowned late Yuan poet Yang Weizhen (杨维桢), directly or indirectly reflected the views of the Yuan scholars about the Tang poems. The flourishment in the Yuan Dynasty embodied by the Yuan poems was actually a recurrence of the flourishment in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty.
作者 丁放
机构地区 安徽大学文学院
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期58-65,共8页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目"唐诗学研究"中期成果(项目编号:12&ZD156)
关键词 元代诗学 诗赋取士 穷而后工 盛唐气象 大元气象 poetics of the Yuan Dynasty, select scholar-officials by their poem-and-fu writing, Povertyreveals skillful poem-writing, flourishment in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, flourishment in theYuan Dynasty
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