
现代中国的家国天下与自我认同 被引量:76

Family,Nation,All-Under-Heaven,and Self-Identity in Modern China
摘要 在从传统社会到近代社会的历史转型过程之中,有过一场"大脱嵌"(great disembedding)的轴心革命。17世纪欧洲的科学革命和宗教革命之后,发生了马克斯·韦伯所说的"除魅",个人、法律和国家逐渐从神意的宇宙世界中游离出来,获得了独立的自主性,这就是"大脱嵌"。中国的"大脱嵌"发生于清末民初,自我摆脱了家国天下的共同体框架,成为独立的个人。家国天下,作为传统中国意义框架的连续体,其出发点是自我。家国作为自我与天下的中介物是相对的,而自我与天下在精神形态上可以直接沟通,其现实形态中必须经过家国。近代"冲决网罗"的"大脱嵌"革命,使得自我与天下在现实形态中也有了直接沟通的可能,但造成了孤立的、原子化的个人。而国家的强劲崛起,又使得家与天下失去了对其的规约。家国天下连续体的断裂,给中国的政治生活、伦理生活和日常生活带来了巨大影响:一是由于失去了社会和天下的制约,国家权威至高无上;二是由于从家国天下共同体"脱嵌",现代的自我成为一个无所依傍的原子化个人,失去了其存在的意义。"大脱嵌"之后,家国天下的秩序与现代人的自我,都面临着一个"再嵌化":自我要置于新的家国天下秩序中得以重新理解,而家国天下也在自我的形塑过程中得以重新建构。那是一个交互性的"再嵌",是一个走向理想世界的能动过程。 There was an axial revolution of the great disembedding in the historical transformation from traditional societies to modern ones. Disenchantment,coined by Max Weber,occurred after scientific and religious revolutions in the 17 thEurope. The"great disembedding"refers the corresponding change in which the domains of individuals,laws,and nation were separated from a divine universe,and started to have autonomous status. China's"great disembedding"occurred in the late Qing. The individual was separated from the framework of family,nation,and all-under-Heaven.Such framework has been there for centuries,ensuring traditional China as a continual entity of meaning. The base of such framework is the self. Family and nation functioned as the media between the self and all-under-Heaven.Differently put,the self and all-under-Heaven can reach each other spiritually,however,they have to go through family and nation in their actualized forms.The "great disembedding"revolution,which aimed at breaking the socio-political net,enabled the possibility of a direct connection between the self and all-under-Heaven in their actualized forms. In the meanwhile, it also engendered the isolated,atomized individuals. The rising power of the nation also broke its confinement caused by the family and all-under-Heaven. The destruction of the framework of family,nation,and all-under-Heaven affected gravely China's political,ethical,and everyday lives. One of its influences is the sovereign status of the nation's authority; another is the situation in which atomized individuals have lost the significance of living when they were disembedded from the communal entity offamily,nation,and all-under-Heaven.After the "great disembedding",the order of family,nation,and all-under-Heaven,as well as the modern self,have faced the task of"reembedding": the self needs to be re-situated in a new order of family,nation,and all-underHeaven,while the latter needs to be reconstructed in the transformation of the self. This is an interactive"reembedding",a process towards an ideal world.
作者 许纪霖
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期46-53,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中国现代认同中的核心观念:以个人 国家 道德 宗教为中心"(项目批准号:11JJD770021)的中期成果
关键词 家国天下 大脱嵌 自我认同 family nation and all-under-Heaven the "great disembedding self-identity
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