
短尾蝮蛇异氟烷气体麻醉方法介绍 被引量:1

Description of Inhalant Anesthesia in Gloydius brevicaudus
摘要 蛇类因其独有的形态、行为及生理特征而受到研究者的关注。麻醉作为一种技术手段,是对蛇类进行很多其他实验的前提。然而,目前对蛇类等非模式动物的麻醉方法研究远不及标准实验动物(如小鼠)成熟。本文以短尾蝮蛇Gloydius brevicaudus气体麻醉为例,介绍一种适用于蛇类的安全麻醉方法,以有利于相关动物学研究的顺利开展。以预麻醉、诱导麻醉和苏醒3个步骤分别记录到的时间作为数据参数分析,20号短尾蝮蛇样本达到完全麻醉状态平均需要时间33.05 min,对异氟烷耐受性强的个体在1 h内也能麻醉完全,平均苏醒需要的时间为41.80min。麻醉用的时间越长,苏醒需要的时间也越长,进行相关实验操作需要综合考虑麻醉和苏醒的时间。 Snakes possessed unique morphological,behavioral and physiological characteristics associated with reproductive and aggressive behaviors. An impediment to carry out many kinds of laboratory experiments with snakes was the difficulty in finding suitable anesthetic methods. This article introduced a safe method of narcotizing the short tailed pit viper( Gloydius brevicaudus) by inhalation anesthesia. The data were obtained from 20 samples by monitoring the time duration of preanesthesia,induction of anesthesia and recovery. And the results showed that G. brevicaudus could be completely narcotized in an hour with the mean time of 33. 05 min,and the mean recovery time was 41. 80 min. In general,more time spend on narcotizing would cause longer recovery time. These results will help the biologists in planning experiments involving anesthetizing snake subjects efficiently.
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2015年第5期701-706,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31301882) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2013M542301) 中国科学院2013年度"西部之光"人才培养计划
关键词 气体麻醉 异氟烷 短尾蝮蛇 inhalational anesthesia isoflurane Gloydius brevicaudus
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