As the core value of modem societies, freedom constitutes the main aim of the social justice, and different understandings of freedom always lead to different theories of justice. In his Freedom' s Right, Axel Honneth explores the concept and history of negative freedom and reflexive freedom, and reveals their intrinsic defects. Then he suggests a project that can conquer these defects by Hegelian conception of social freedom. Social freedom, which preserves one' s freedom under the relation with others, needs the mutual recognition relations among different individuals in itself; hence it requires the existence of normative practice institutions that can safeguard the mutual recognition relations. After his analyses of three domains of our lives : the personal relations, the market economy and the public policy, Honneth shows the mutual recognition relations behind these social practices and presents a series of criticisms of actual lives based on these recognition relations, which constitute his main claims of social justice. Compared with John Rawls, who hopes to achieve the social justice by the equal distribution of social resources, Honneth attempts to achieve the social justice by his normative reconstruction of the mutual recognition relations implicit in our real lives and his criticisms of these relations. His theory is thus not only the criticism of the theory of justice, but also the critical theory of justice.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
normative reconstruction
the critical theory of justice