
我国水科学知识教育的法律规制研究 被引量:3

A Study of Legal Regulations for Water Science Education
摘要 在我国工业化和城镇化深入发展、全球气候变化影响不断加大的背景下,在人多水少、水资源时空分布不均的基本国情水情下,面对水资源短缺、水污染严重、水生态环境恶化、洪涝灾害频繁、农田水利建设滞后、水利设施薄弱等水事问题,我国目前的水科学知识教育存在6个方面的主要问题。根据国际政策法律文件的要求,学习国外政策法律的有益规定及有效做法,借鉴我国已有3部环境教育地方性法规的规定,根据中共中央和国务院政策性和法律性文件的要求,适应最严格水资源管理制度的需要和要求,需要把制定法律、建立组织体制机制、强化学校非专业化教育、加强非学校机构非专业化教育、加强保障监督措施和机制这5个方面作为重点,对我国水科学知识教育进行法律规制。 Under the background of in - depth development of China's industrialization and urbanization and enhancing impact of global climate change, and the basic national situation of more people but less water resources, uneven distribution of water resources and of the basic national conditions, our country is facing big problems in six aspects : the shortage of water supply, the seriousness of water pollution, the deterioration of water environment, the frequency of floods, the backwardness of irrigation and water conservancy construction, and insufficiency of water conservancy facilities and other water issues, there is a water current scientific knowledge of education issues. According to the requirements of international policy and legal documents, learning foreign policy is beneficial to the provisions of law and effective practices. China has three local laws and regulations for environmental education. In accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and State Council policies and legal documents and to adapt the most stringent needs and requirements of water management system, we need to focus on five points related to China water science education legal regulation: enact law establishment, set up organizational systems and mechanisms, strengthen the non -professional school education, strengthen non - school institutions and the non - professional education, and enhance safeguards and mechanisms, so as to work out institutional regulations for water science education.
作者 胡德胜
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期129-133,共5页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"基于人水和谐理念的最严格水资源管理制度体系研究"(12&ZD215)
关键词 水科学知识教育 水资源管理 法律规制 water science education water resources management legal regulation
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