The study focused on the rhetorical variation of abstracts written by experts and Chinese undergraduates by investiga -ting 60 RA abstracts in applied linguistics .Santos'( 1996 ) 5-move model was adopted as the analytical framework .The results showed the following three points .1) Though abstracts by the two groups of writers shared Research Presentation , Research Method and Research Findings as conventional , yet there exist significant difference in the occurrence frequency of Research Situation and Research Method;2) The two groups of writers tends to construct abstracts in the model of Situation -Presentation-Method-Find-ings-Discussion, but the frequency ratio between experts and beginners is 3 to 1;3)With regard to verb tenses in each move, de-spite the similar tendency of Present Tense in Research Situation , Research Presentation , and Research Discussion , there existed significant difference in the occurrence frequency of Present Tense in Research Presentation .The findings have significant research and pedagogical implications for academic RA abstracting in Applied Linguistics .
JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition