
权力漩涡与民主的价值——国际足联腐败丑闻的深层思考 被引量:15

Vortex of Power vs Value of Democracy:On Corruption Scandal of FIFA
摘要 美国司法力量干涉国际足联内部事务具有国内法的正当性,并未超出国家权力使用的边界,但在国家行动的合法性方面面临较大的政治认同和国际舆论压力。国际足联这一具有"拜占庭色彩"的"独立王国",是西方民主异化的产物。民主价值的实现旨在创建一种符合实际的"技术性手段",美国采取司法行动的根本目的是捍卫民主的价值,促进国际足联进行卓有成效的根本性改革,重建全球体育市场新秩序、游戏规则和利益交换机制。国际足联腐败丑闻事件的未来走势,取决于美国与国际足联权力博弈的结果,亦将沦为盐湖城冬奥会贿选案件中美国闹剧式"新闻表演"的翻版。在践行全球民主化道路的同时,要警惕西方伪装的民主。中国作为奥运竞技强国和体育发展大国,应该承担更多的时代责任,为世界体育发展做出独特的贡献。 The justice interference of America to the internal affairs of FIFA has legitimacy in line with the domestic laws, which does not go beyond the boundary of the state power. However, concerning the legality of this national action, strong political identification and opinion pressure from all over the world have to be faced with. FIFA, a "Byzantine Inde- pendent Kingdom", is the result of the atienation of western democracy. The goal of realizing democracy is to create a technological method which is suitable for the reality. The fundamental objective of the justice action taken by America is to defend the value of democracy, to promote the reform for FIFA, and to build a new order, game rule and exchange sys- tem of interests for the world football market. The future corruption scandal in FIFA is determined by the power bargain- ing between America and FIFA, and will be a reproduction of the case of the bribery election of the Olympic Winter Games in the Salt Lake City by the U. S. The disguised western democracy should be paid attention to in the process of initiating global democracy. China, as a strong competitor of the Olympics Games and sport power in the world, should take more duties of the times and make significant contributions to the world sports development.
作者 黄璐
出处 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期26-33,75,共9页 Journal of Wuhan Sports University
基金 国家社科基金项目(13CTY001)
关键词 国际体育组织 国际足联 足球 善治 民主 权力 体育法学 international sport organization FIFA football good governance democracy power sports law
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