
知识产权保护强度与区域创新能力提升研究——以江苏省为例 被引量:4

A Study on the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights and promoting regional innovation capacity: evidence from Jiangsu province
摘要 基于江苏1990—2013年的统计数据,运用协整检验、VAR模型分析知识产权保护强度与区域创新能力提升之间的动态关系。研究结果显示,知识产权保护强度与区域创新能力之间存在协整,具有长期均衡关系;格兰杰因果关系检验显示,知识产权保护强度与区域创新能力之间存在双向因果关系,即知识产权保护强度与区域创新能力互为因果;VAR脉冲响应函数和VAR方差分解显示,知识产权保护强度增长率与区域创新能力增长率之间存在动态关系,据此提出针对性建议。 Based on statistical data in years of 1990--2013 in Jiangsu, the paper researches on the dynamic rela- tionship between the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights and promoting regional innovation ca- pacity by using co-integration test and the VAR model. The results show that the co-integration exits between the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights and promoting regional innovation capacity and there is long tern equilibrium relationship between them; Granger causality tests show that the intensity of the protection of intel- lectual property rights and promoting regional innovation capacity have bi-directional causality relationship, that is, the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights causes the changes of promoting regional innovation ca- pacity, and the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights is also caused by promoting regional innova- tion capacity. VAR impulse response and variance decomposition show that there is a dynamic relation between the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights and promoting regional innovation capacity. Some proposals are put forward in the end.
出处 《科技与管理》 2015年第4期6-11,共6页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目(13GLC012) 辽宁省社科规划基金(L14BGL014) 辽宁省财政科研基金(14D002) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(11YJC790101)
关键词 知识产权保护强度 区域创新能力提升 VAR GRANGER因果检验 脉冲响应函数 the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights promoting regional innovation capacity in-tellectual property protection VAR granger causality tests impulse response
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