
分析折中主义及其运用——以南海问题为例 被引量:1

Analytic Eclecticism and Its Application——Taking the South China Sea Issue as a Case
摘要 分析折中主义"纳众家之长",摆脱了范式和理论抽象的束缚。它将现有研究成果运用于问题驱动式研究,以此为研究起点;将来源于各个独立范式中的原理进行"中层理论"式的因果分析,以此为研究方法;通过务实的态度试图对真实世界有更加"真实"的理解,以此为研究目的,从而实现国际问题研究的两大转向:即从范式研究走向多样化范式整合的研究,从抽象的"理论导向"研究走向实用主义的"问题导向"研究,创造了范式解释和跨范式解释共存的局面。在此基础上,本文试图通过南海问题这一具体案例展现分析折中主义的特点和优势。 This article introduces analytic eclecticism which is a complement to paradigm-bound scholar- ship. Its starting point of research is applying the existing research results to the problem-driven research; its research method is analyzing principles which come from separate paradigms in a "mid-range theory" type of causal analysis and its purpose of study is a better understanding of real-world phenomena in a prag- matic way. Thus, analytic eclecticism achieves two shifts in the field of international studies: one is from the single paradigm research to the integrated research of multiple paradigms ; the other is from the abstract theory-driven to the pragmatic problem-driven research, and there appears a coexistence of a paradigm explanation and cross-paradigm explanation. On the basis, this article illustrates the characteristics and advantages of analytic eclecticism through analyzing the issue of the South China Sea.
作者 樊冰 刘胜湘
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期27-36,共10页 Pacific Journal
基金 2014年国家社科基金重大项目"总体国家安全观下的中国东南周边地区安全机制建构研究"(14ZDA087)
关键词 范式研究 分析折中主义 南海问题 paradigm research analytic eclecticism the South China Sea Issue
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