
2015年美国《21世纪海上力量合作战略》评析 被引量:3

An Analysis of U. S. “A Cooperative Strategy for 21^(st) Century Sea Power”
摘要 2015年3月,美国海军、海军陆战队、海岸警卫队联合发布了《21世纪海上力量合作战略》。其注意到全球地缘政治和海上安全环境的变化,对三支海上力量的任务目标、军力部署、分工协作和能力建设等做出部署,重申"前沿存在"和"加强合作"的基础性作用,强调"印亚太"地区对美国经济发展和海上安全的重要意义,提出"全域介入"和"全球海军网"等新的作战概念。该战略是美国亚太"再平衡"战略在海洋领域的调整和升级,反映出美对华在海洋领域政策的两面性,体现了美国希望与中国在共同应对海上安全威胁方面加强合作的意愿,也暗含了美国对中国建设"21世纪海上丝绸之路"的反制策略。 In March 2015, A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Sea power was released by U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. It noticed the changing of global geostrategy and maritime security environ- ment. It disposed the goals, military deployment, division, cooperations and capacity building of the three forces. It emphasized the importance of the fundamentality of frontier presence and partnership, and the In- do-Asia-Pacific region. All Domain Access and global network of navies were developed as new concepts. As a transformation of the America's Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy on maritime affairs, it reflected the dual nature of policies to China, the willingness to cooperate with China and a counteraction to the construc- tion of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期49-54,共6页 Pacific Journal
基金 中国海洋发展研究会基金项目"海上丝绸之路视角下我国海上通道安全与战略对策研究"(CAMAJJ201508)
关键词 美国 《21世纪海上力量合作战略》 海军 海军陆战队 海岸警卫队 the United States A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower U.S. Navy U.S. MarineCorps U.S. Coast Guard
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