
南海区域秩序的建构、解构与重构——基于海权视角的认知 被引量:4

The Construction,Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the South China Sea Regional Order——Cognition Based on the Perspective of Sea Power
摘要 南海区域秩序是指以南海的海洋秩序为中心的地区秩序,是南海地区各行为体在一定历史时期为共同价值目标而形成的相对稳定的关系结构。在西方殖民者到达南海之前,南海地区已于中国明代前期形成了共同发展、和睦友好与和平稳定的区域秩序,基于西方海权观的殖民侵略者却解构了这种秩序,但只是"解"了而没能重"建"。直到今天,南海区域仍处于海洋霸权与海洋主权争端并存下的"无序"乱局中。这表明西方传统海权观有本质上的历史局限性,重构南海区域秩序需要新型海权观。在这方面,中国的和谐海洋理念与强大的经济、海上力量使得中国主导重构南海区域秩序成为必然。为此,中国必须努力促成南海各争端方搁置主权争议,实现共同开发。 The regional order of the South China Sea is a regional order which takes the South China Sea' marine order as the center, and is a relatively stable relationship structure which was formed by the various actors in the South China Sea for common value goal. Before the western colonists arrived in the South Chi- na Sea, the South China Sea area had formed the regional order which was common development, harmony and friendship, peace and stability in China's early Ming Dynasty. But the colonial invaders, based on the western sea power view, deconstructed the order. However, they only deconstruct and fail to reconstruct it. Up to now, there is still the "disorderly" chaos under the coexistence of the sea hegemony and maritime sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea area. This shows that the western traditional sea power view has its essential historical limitations, and the reconstruction of the South China Sea regional order requires a new sea power view. In this regard, China's harmonious ocean idea, strong economic power and sea power, make it inevitable that China leads the reconstruction of the South China Sea Regional Order. Therefore, China must take measures to let all parties to shelve the sovereignty dispute and achieve common development.
作者 贾庆军
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期55-64,共10页 Pacific Journal
基金 福建省教育厅2015年社会科学研究项目"南海丝绸之路对构建南海区域秩序的历史与现实影响"(JAS150672)的阶段性成果
关键词 南海区域秩序 建构 解构 重构 海权观 the regional order of the South China Sea construction deconstruction reconstruction seapower view
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