
图像引导调强放疗摆位误差对老年前列腺癌患者受照剂量的影响 被引量:8

The impact of set-up errors on dose distribution during the image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy in elderly patients with prostate cancer
摘要 目的分析摆位误差对肿瘤计划靶体积(PTV)及危及器官受照剂量的影响,探讨前列腺癌调强放疗中摆位误差在线校正的必要性。方法16例前列腺癌患者调强放疗中行治疗机下的锥形束CT(CBCT)扫描共214次,其图像与计划CT图像融合配准获得x、Y、z轴方向平移摆位误差。将上述误差引入治疗计划系统中重新计算得到PTV、膀胱、直肠等的剂量和体积参数并与原计划行配对t检验。结果214次摆位误差再计划的PTV95%体积剂量D95(7613.73cGy比7764.25cGy,t=2.494,P=0.025)和最小剂量Dmin(80.20±9.83比86.80±5.05,t=5.536,P〈0.001)小于原计划,但未超过可接受偏差范围。膀胱接受50Gy剂量体积(V50)和30%膀胱体积剂量(D30)以及直肠接受50Gy剂量体积(V50)和25%直肠体积剂量(D25)与原计划差异不明显。结论平移摆位误差导致PTVD95下降但可接受,膀胱、直肠总体受量变化不明显,前列腺癌放疗过程中在线误差纠正能提高治疗精确性。 Objective To analyze the impact of set-up errors on planning target volume (PTV) for tumors and radiation dose distributions, then to investigate the necessity of on-line set-up error correction for prostate cancer during IMRT. Methods Cone-beam CT (CBCT) scanning images in 16 patients with prostate cancer were acquired with a total of 214 times during IMRT. The CBCT images and the original planning CT images were matched to acquire the translational errors of the x, y and z axis. The dose distributions were recalculated based on the data of each set-up error. The PTV, radiation dose distribution in organs at risk including bladder and rectum, and dose volume parameters were calculated in the re-planning, and then compared with the original planning by paired t-test. Results The PTV 95% dose volume (D95) and PTV minimal dose volume (Dmin) were lower in the re-planning than in the original planning after 214 times set-up (7613.73 cGy w 7764.25 eGy, 80. 2% w 86.8%, t=2. 494 and 5. 536, P=0. 025 or d0. 001), but it could be acceptable. Bladder received 50 Gy dose volume (V50) ,30% bladder volume dose (D30), rectume received 50 Gy dose volume (VS0) and 25% rectume volume dose (D25) in the re-planning had no statistical differences with those in the original planning. Conclusions The set-up errors lead to the decrease of PTV D95 but be acceptable. The radiation dose received by bladder and rectum has no obvious changes in the re-planning as compared with the original planning. The on-line set-up error correction for prostate cancer may improve the treatment accuracy during IMRT.
机构地区 北京医院放疗科
出处 《中华老年医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1107-1110,共4页 Chinese Journal of Geriatrics
基金 国家自然科学基金(81372415)
关键词 前列腺肿瘤 放射疗法 辐射剂量 图像处理 计算机辅助 Prostatic neoplasms Radiotherapy Radiation dosage Image processing, computer-assisted
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