According to NCEP/NCAR reanalyzed data and 19 stations average temperature data of North China in winter, by applying the meth- ods of EOF, correlation, composite and t test ete ~ the inter-decadal variations characteristics of winter average temperature in North China of lately 60 years and its atmospheric circulation characteristics are studied. Results show that in North China of January and February, the trend of winter average temperature of lately 60 years is positive and the inter-decadal variations characteristics is significant. In January and February, the winter average temperature was colder before the late 1980s, and warmer after the late 1980s. There is no trend variations in December, but the inter-decadal variations characteristics is significant, colder in 1961-1971 and warmer in 1972-1991. In January and February, the inter-dec- adal variations of the winter temperature in North China and the inter-decadal variations of the East Asian Winter Monsoon have significant consis- tency. The East Asian Winter Monsoon was stronger before the late 1980s and the temperature in North China of January and February was lower. While the East Asia Winter Monsoon was weak after the late 1980s, and the temperature in North China of January and February was higher. The inter-decadal variations of temperature in December may also links with other factors besides the intensity of the inter-decadal variations of the East Asian Winter Monsoon.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
North China
Winter temperature
Circulation background
inter-decadal variations