
宫腔镜诊治Robert子宫十例成功分娩一例报告及文献复习 被引量:9

摘要 Robert子宫是较罕见的不对称阻塞型完全中隔子宫畸形,于1970年由Robert[1]首报,故以Robert子宫命名。在欧洲人类生殖与胚胎学会(ESHRE)和欧洲妇科内镜学会(ESGE)联合制定的女性生殖系统发育异常的分类方法中为完全中隔子宫的亚型(U2b亚型)[2]。Robert子宫的宫腔内的隔板偏于宫腔一侧,将该侧宫腔完全封闭,使之成为与阴道或对侧宫腔不相通的盲腔;封闭的宫腔可积存分泌物或血液,有不同程度的原发性痛经,青春期痛经严重,成年后影响生育。首都医科大学附属复兴医院与附属安贞医院、东莞市石龙人民医院于2005年2月至2014年5月共诊治Robert子宫10例(分别为6、3、1例),其中1例成功分娩,现报道于后。
出处 《中华妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期697-700,共4页 Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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  • 1Robert H. Asymmetrical bifidities with unilateral menstrualretention (apropos of 12 cases) [J]. Chirurgie, 1970, 96(11):796-799.
  • 2Grimbizis G, Gordts S, Di Spiezio Sardo A, et al. The ESHRE/ESGE consensus on the classification of female genital tractcongenital anomalies[J]. Hum Reprod, 2013,28(8):2032-2044.
  • 3Maddukuri SB, Karegowda LH, Prakashini K, et al. Robert'suterus: a rare congenital miillerian duct anomaly causinghaematometra[J]. BMJ Case Rep, 2014, 2014:bcr2014204489.
  • 4Benzineb N, BeJlasfar M, Merchaoui J, et al. Robert's uteruswith menstrual retention in the blind cavity [J]. J GynecolObstet Biol Reprod (Paris), 1993, 22⑷:366-368.
  • 5史惠蓉,任芳,陈志敏,郭瑞霞.Robert子宫二例[J].中华妇产科杂志,2009,44(10):799-799. 被引量:8
  • 6Singhal S,Agarwal U, Sharma D, et al. Pregnancy inasymmetric blind hemicavity of Robert's uterus: a previouslyunreported phenomenon[J]. Eur J Obstet Gynecol ReprodBiol, 2003,107(1):93-95.
  • 7Capito C,Sarnacki S. Menstrual retention in a Robert's uterus[J]. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 2009, 22(5):el04-106.
  • 8Rani SS, Damyanti S, Pooja C. Pregnancy in Robert's uterus[J]. J Obstet Gynecol India, 2009, 59(6):597-598.
  • 9Gupta N,Mittal S, Dadhwal V,et al. A unique congenitalmullerian anomaly: Robert's uterus[J]. Arch Gynecol Obstet,2007,276(6):64 卜643.
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  • 1Gupta N, Mittal S, Dadhwal V, et al. A unique congenital mullerian anomaly: Robert's uterus. Arch Gynecol Obstet,2007, 276:641-643.
  • 2Rebelo T, Almeida e Sousa LA, Sampaio MG. Asymmetric septate uterus with unilateral menstrual retention. A rare uterine malformation Acta Med Port, 1997,10:721-724.
  • 3Benzineb N, BeIlasfar M, Merchaoui J, et al. Robert's uterus with menstrual retention in the blind cavity. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) , 1993,22:366-368.
  • 4Singhal S, Agarwal U, Sharma D, et, al. Pregnancy in asymmetric blind hemicavity of Robert's uterus-a previously unreported phenomenon. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol,2003 ,107 :93-95.
  • 5Singhal S,Agarwal U,Sharma D,et al.Pregnancy inasymmetric blindhemicavity of Robert's uterus-a previously unreported phenomenon.Eur J Obstet Cynecol Reprod Biol,2003,107:93-95.
  • 6Benzineb N, Bellasfar M, Merchaoui J, et al. Robert's uterus with menstrual retention in the blind cavity. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprnd ( Paris), 1993, 22:366-368.
  • 7Rebelo T, Almeida e Sousa LA, Sampaio MG, et al. Asymmetric septate uterus with unilateral menstrual retention. A rare uterine malfnnnation. Acta Med Port, 1997, 10:721-724.
  • 8Gupla N, Mittal S, Dadhwal V, el al. A unique congenital mullerian anomaly:Robert's uterus. Areh Gynecol Obstet, 2007, 276:641-643.
  • 9Capito C, Sarnaeki S. Menstrual retention in a Robert's uterus. J Pedialr Adolesc Gynecol, 2009, 22:e104-106.
  • 10Robert H. A symmetrical bifidities with unilateral menstrual retention apropos of 12 cases[J].Chirurgie,1996.796-799.












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