To the Editor:Adenoma of the ciliary pigment epithelium (CPE) is an exceedingly rare tumor that is difficult to clinically differentiate from malignant melanoma.[1] Herein,we report a case of an adenoma of the CPE in Chinese women and discuss the clinical features of this unusual tumor.A 57-year-old woman complaining of obviously visual deterioration vision in her right eye for l-year presented to Beijing Tongren Hospital in December 2013.
To the Editor:Adenoma of the ciliary pigment epithelium (CPE) is an exceedingly rare tumor that is difficult to clinically differentiate from malignant melanoma.[1] Herein,we report a case of an adenoma of the CPE in Chinese women and discuss the clinical features of this unusual tumor.A 57-year-old woman complaining of obviously visual deterioration vision in her right eye for l-year presented to Beijing Tongren Hospital in December 2013.