为了实现利用分布式控制系统(Distributed Control System,DCS)为员工考核服务的功能,文章在利用DCS设备状态变化数据的基础上进行了二次开发,设计实现了DCS操作统计考核系统。该系统将DCS操作进行分类,将实时状态数据保存在关系数据库中,将状态变化与设备和班组人员关联,实现了对设备状态分析、设备故障辅助诊断和班组人员的绩效考核等功能。应用结果表明,该系统的应用可降低DCS的故障隐患,缩短检修时间,提高当值人员的工作积极性。
In order to use DCS for staff evaluation, this paper carried secondary development on the basis of using the state data change of DCS equipment, and completed the DCS operation statistical evaluation system. The system classified the DCS operations, and stored real-time status data into relational database, associated the state changes with equipment and team members, to realize the equipment condition analysis, equipment fault assistant diagnosis and performance assessment of team members. The application of the system shows that it can reduce the DCS hidden dangers, shorten the maintenance time, and improve the working enthusiasm of the staff.
Electric Power Information and Communication Technology