
构建海洋环境救助报酬制度的公约式进路审视 被引量:1

An Examination of Convention-route to Establishing Law Regime of Environmental Salvage Rewards
摘要 回应生态文明下环境救助实践的法律需求,需要构建环境救助报酬制度。通过修订《1989年救助公约》构建环境救助报酬制度的公约式进路具有支撑理由。从我国救助法律制度与救助公约关联角度分析,公约式进路既可促进我国救助法律制度完善,也是我国在国际法律制度的制定中维护国家利益的机会。从我国海难救助各利益方博弈维度考量,救助公约修订有助于我国航运业、救助业以及保险业的整体发展,但须注意平衡各行业利益。所以修订《1989年救助公约》构建环境救助报酬制度的,我们要积极参与,并在修订中充分表达我国的独立意志。 The law regime of environmental salvage rewards needs to be established in order to regulate environmental salvage in ecological civilization . T here is an international foundation for establishing law regime of environmental rewards by revising the Convention on Salvage 1989 .The convention‐route to es‐tablishing law regime of environmental rewards is useful for China to perfect our salvage law regime and seize the opportunity to maintain our national benefits through the revision of convention on salvage .From the perspective of interested parties concerned in salvage practice we find that the convention‐route to es‐tablishing law regime of environmental rewards is beneficial to shipping industry ,salvage industry ,and in‐surance industry ,and meanw hile much attention should be paid to coordinating and balancing their inter‐ests .Therefore ,China should participate in the establishment of such law regime by revising salvage con‐vention in order to fully express our independent will .
作者 高俊涛
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第5期40-45,共6页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目"环境保护视角下海商法创新研究"(2013M541497) 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目"船舶溢油环境救助法律问题研究"(14YS079) 上海高校青年教师培养计划项目"船舶溢油环境救助法律问题研究"(Z2H213016)阶段性成果
关键词 船源污染 环境救助 环境救助报酬 救助公约 vessel pollution environmental salvage environmental salvage rewards convention on salvage
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