
国内10年来基于语料库的英语词汇研究述评 被引量:2

A Review of Corpus-based English Vocabulary Research in China in the Last Decade
摘要 通过对10年来(2004-2013年)发表于国内10种CSSCI外语类来源期刊上的相关文章进行检索、分类与统计分析,我们发现:(1)国内基于语料库的英语词汇研究总量呈明显上升趋势;2004-2007年为起步阶段,研究数量增长迅速;2008-2013年研究数量基本上呈高数值上升。(2)研究不仅涵盖实义词和功能词等微观方面,同时也辐射词块搭配、词汇综合特征、词汇教学等宏观方面。(3)10年来基于语料库的英语词汇研究取得了丰硕成果,但也存在不足。本文最后从研究内容、研究对象、研究材料、研究视角等方面对该领域的研究前景进行思考和展望,以期推动国内基于语料库的词汇研究的发展。 T his paper review s the status quo of corpus‐based research on English vocabulary in the re‐cent ten years (2004-2013) in China ,aiming to promote further development of this field .The classifica‐tion and analysis of the studies show that during the past ten years ,the number of corpus‐based studies has increased greatly .The years from 2004 to 2007 mark the beginning stage ,which witnessed a rapid in‐crease in the number of studies ;the years between 2008 and 2013 also saw a very rapid development .It is also found that the studies in the past ten years include not only research on content words and grammatical words ,but also research on lexical chunks ,collocations ,lexical comprehensive features ,and vocabulary teaching .However ,in spite of the afore‐mentioned achievements ,there are limitations concerned with the con‐tent ,corpus data ,subjects ,methods ,and perspectives of these studies .Therefore ,future studies can take these factors into consideration to ultimately improve English vocabulary teaching and learning in China .
作者 李旭奎 韩慧
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第5期112-116,共5页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 中国海洋大学人文社会科学培育专项(201415014)的资助
关键词 语料库 英语词汇研究 CSSCI corpus English vocabulary research CSSCI
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