AIM: To investigate the clinical characteristics of cervical and intracranial vascular lesions in aged patients with vertigo. METHODS:A total of 74 aged patients with vertigo in our hospital from April 2012 to April 2014 were selected as obser?vation group, and a total of 40 elderly patients without vertigo at the same period as control group. Two groups of patients check by color Doppler ultrasound and diagnosed the cervical and intracra?nial blood tube. RESULTS:Among 36 patients with cervical and intracranial vascular stenosis in observation group, 6 cases were diagnosed as common carotid artery ( CCA ) and internal carotid artery ( ICA) stenosis, 2 cases as vertebral artery ( VA) stenosis, 10 cases as anterior cerebral artery ( ACA ) and cerebral artery ( MCA) stenosis, and 18 cases as anterior cerebral artery ( PCA) and vertebral basilar artery ( V?BA) stenosis. In control group, 8 cases were diagnosed as cervical and intracranial vascular steno?sis, 1 cases as CCA and ICA stenosis, 2 cases as ACA and MCA stenosis, 5 cases as V?BA and PCA stenosis. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( P<0. 05 ) . CONCLUSION: By the diagnosis of color Doppler ultrasound, incidence of the blood flow dynamics abnormalities of elderly patients with vertigo was significantly higher than that of the ordinary elderly patients.
E-Journal of Translational Medicine
cervical and intracranial vessels
clinical characteristics