
2011—2014年平顶山市食品和公共场所从业人员健康检查结果 被引量:18

Physical examination results of employees in food industry and public places in Pingdingshan City from 2011-2014
摘要 目的通过对平顶山市2011—2014年食品和公共场所从业人员健康检查结果的分析,了解从业人员健康状况,发现存在的问题,提出相关整改措施和管理策略,确保市民身体健康。方法采用X线胸部透视检测活动性结核,肛拭采样培养检测肠道传染病,抽取空腹静脉血检测肝功能、病毒性肝炎抗体,化脓性及传染性皮肤病。结果 4年来共检查从业人员59 074人,检出五病(甲型肝炎、戊型肝炎、痢疾、化脓性及传染性皮肤病、活动性结核)167例,检出率分别为0.078%、0.047%、0.029%、0.015%、0.113%,总检出率为0.283%。各传染病之间、不同行业从业人员、不同性别从业人员之间存在明显差异。结论该市应加大对从业人员监督管理工作,规范从业人员健康检查,做到持有"健康合格证"方能上岗对预防传染病的传播有重大意义,应大力宣传传染病预防措施,积极开展疫苗接种和传染病预防健康教育,提高健康检查合格率。 [Objective] By analyzing the health examination results of employees in food industry and public places in Pingdingshan City from 2011-2014, to acquire their health status, find out the existing problems, and put forward relevant improvement measures and management strategies to ensure public beahh.[Methods] Chest X-ray was used in the detection of active tuberculosis, anal swab sampling culture was used to detect intestinal infectious disease, and the fasting venous blood samples were collected to test the function of liver, hepatitis virus antibody, as well as suppurative and infectious skin diseases.[Results] Totally 59 074 employees received the medical examination from 2011-2014, and 167 were detected with the infectious diseases, including hepatitis A, hepatitis E, dysentery, suppurative and infectious skin diseases, and active tuberculosis, which the detection rate was respectively 0.078%, 0.047%, 0.029%, 0.015% and 0.113%, and the total detection rate was 0.283%. There were significant differenees among different infectious diseases, different industries, and different sex groups. [Conclusion] The supervision and management of employees in food industry and public places should be strengthened, the physical examination among employees should be standardized, and the system that employees must hold the health certificate has important significance on preventing the spread of infectious diseases. It is necessary to propagate the prevention measures of infectious diseases, and carry out the vaccination and health education of infectious diseases, to elevate the qualified rate of physical examination.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2015年第18期2521-2524,共4页 Occupation and Health
关键词 从业人员 健康体检 结果分析 Employee Health examination Results analysis
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