
论死亡焦虑的本质 被引量:18

On Essence of Death Anxiety
摘要 死亡焦虑能够影响人们的情绪和行为,有时还可表现为身体症状。死亡焦虑的本质特征有四个方面:一是具有内隐性,人们有时并没有意识到或不会承认自身存在死亡焦虑;二是具有普遍性,每个人终其一生都存在死亡焦虑,它还可能转化成其他心理问题而表现出来;三是具有不可消解性,人们必须直面它;四是具有两面性,既会给人造成不安、焦虑和恐慌,也会促使人更加珍惜生命,寻求生命的意义。 Death anxiety does not have an impact on our emotions and behaviors, but sometimes cause physical symptoms. There are four essential features of death anxiety. Firstly, it is implicit. People do not appreciate or admit themselves have death anxiety at times. Secondly, death anxiety is a highly prevalent mental experience. Everyone in their lives will experience it, which can also be converted into other mental disorders. Thirdly, we should face to death anxiety, which seems unable to dispel Finally, the influence of death anxiety is double-edged. It makes people feel unease, anxious and panic. In addition, it makes us cherish life and seek the meaning of life.
作者 白福宝
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2015年第10期40-42,49,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
基金 2015年安徽农业大学校繁荣发展基金重点项目"恐惧管理理论下祭祀作为对死亡焦虑的作用"的研究成果
关键词 死亡焦虑 死亡恐惧 内隐性 普遍性 不可消解性 两面性 death anxiety, fear of death, implicit, prevalent, unable to dispel, dual character
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