
冷冻扫描电镜及其在生命科学研究中的应用 被引量:19

Cryo-scanning electron microscopy and its application in the research of life science
摘要 冷冻扫描电镜基于扫描电镜的超低温冷冻制样及传输技术发展而来,具有能在高真空状态下观察含水样品、分辨率高、制样简单快速、可对样品进行断裂刻蚀等优点,是生命科学研究的有力工具,尤其适合柔软样品的成像和监测冰冻环境对组织和细胞的影响。能否获得高质量的冷冻扫描电镜图像,取决于样品制备和观察条件是否合理和优化,要求操作人员能够快速高效地根据样品选择操作条件、捕捉快速变化的样品表面信息。 Cryo-scanning electron microscopy ( Cryo-SEM ) , which combines the high-performance imaging of scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) with cryogenic sample preparation techniques, allows scientists to investigate structures and materials in their native, hydrated state with image resolution now approaching 1 nm. Cryo-SEM is a powerful tool for characterizing the hydrated microstructures of biological specimens, especially for observing soft specimens ( like tissues and cells) and their responses to freezing. Operator skill is the primary factor in determining the quality of the results. The operator’ s ability to quickly and efficiently scan the surface, manipulate conditions, and acquire images of the rapidly changing sample are very important.
出处 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 2015年第5期447-451,共5页 Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society
关键词 冷冻扫描电镜 含水样品 低温冷冻制样 Cryo-scanning electron microscope ( Cryo-SEM) liquid containing specimen cryogenic sample preparation
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