目的 探讨高原训练伤的发病情况。方法 通过回顾性分析 ,统计高原训练伤的构成比。结果 按单病种发生率前五位依次为冻疮 1 89人次 (占总伤率的 36 2 8% )、关节扭伤 81人次 (占总伤率的 1 5 5 4 % )、软组织擦伤 5 2人次 (占总伤率的 9 99% )、应力性骨折 2 1人次 (占总伤率的 4 0 3% )、急性腰扭伤 1 0人次 (占总伤率的 1 92 % )。该 5种训练伤累计占总伤率的 6 7 75 %。结论 因高原环境气候引致的冻伤占有很高的比例 。
Objective To study the pathogenic status of training wounds in highland. Methods Through retrospective analysis to make statistics of the constituent ratio of the training wounds in highland. Results Training wounds were 67.75% in all wounds. Among them, chilblain was 36.28%, articular sprain 15.54%, soft tissure injury 9.99%, stress fracture 4.03% and acute lumbar muscle sprain 1.92%. Conclusion The chilblain caused by the highland weather had a very high ratio. So it must be paid much attention.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers