
双层相变蓄能地板辐射供冷暖末端系统实验对比研究 被引量:5

Experimental comparative research on double-layer radiant heating and cooling floor with phase change energy-storage
摘要 提出了一种双层相变蓄能地板辐射末端系统,该系统上下叠放蓄热层和蓄冷层,每层都内嵌毛细管网,通过蓄能和放能,实现夏季辐射供冷、冬季辐射供暖。该系统采用电驱动热泵系统为冷热源,可以实现"移峰填谷"缓解电网压力,同时提高空调的舒适性。作者搭建了两个模拟测试房间:A房间蓄冷层在上,B房间蓄热层在上。进行了供暖和供冷实验,分别测量了在蓄能和放能过程中,末端系统各结构层温度、房间内各高度室温随时间变化的情况。结果表明:当冷热源给水温度分别为40℃和15℃时,供暖时室内温度可保持在16.5℃以上;供冷时室内温度能保持27℃以下;室内垂直温差控制在3℃以内,能满足室内环境温度和热舒适性温差要求,同时还保证热泵机组工作在良好的工况范围。实验数据对比发现蓄热层在上、蓄冷层在下的结构方案(B房间)相对更加合理,该方案辐射供暖效果好,而且能降低辐射供冷时地表温度过低引起凝露的风险。 In this paper, a double - layer floor with phase change energy - storage was proposed, which composed of ther- mal storage layer and cold storage layer. The two layers both embedded capillary network, which realized radiant cooling in sum- mer and heating in winter by energy stored and energy released. The new system could realize peak shifting and valley filling and improve the comfort of the air - conditioning by using electric driven heat pump system as heat source, which could ease electric network pressure. Two test rooms were established in this paper. Cold storage layer was higher in room A and thermal storage lay- er was higher in room B. The heating and cooling experiments were researched in this paper. The temperature changes in differ- ent layers and air of the test rooms in the energy stored and released process were measured. The results show that the room tem- perature is higher than 16.5℃ under heating mode( when supplied water is 40℃ ) and lower than 27℃ under' cooling mode( when supplied water is 15℃ ). Moreover,vertical temperature difference in the test room is less than 3℃, which can meet the indoor comfort requirement and ensure the heat pump working under the good operational condition. The comparative study shows that the performance of room B( thermal storage layer is higher than cold storage layer) is better than that of room A. The radiant heat- ing effect is better in room B and radiant cooling in room B can avoid condensation caused by low floor temperature.
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第10期79-84,共6页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目课题(2011BAJ03B14) 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(14KJB470007)
关键词 毛细管网 双层相变蓄能 地板辐射供冷暖 移峰填谷 Capillary network, Double - layer phase change energy - storage, Radiant heating and cooling floor, Load shifting
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