
作为活动系统的教师师徒带教研究——文化历史活动的视角 被引量:3

Research about Mentoring Practice as the Activity System——Perspective from Cultural-Historical Activity Theory
摘要 "一对一/多"、"多对一/多"这是我国传统的教师师徒带教的基本形态。"院—校—基地"协作是近年来在中小学新兴的带教模式,是院校协作中延伸的新方向,因应了国际教师教育中对专业学习社群的吁求,促进了对传统带教模式的改进。利用"文化历史活动理论"的分析框架,探索不同教师师徒带教模式的构成要素以及要素内部、要素之间的矛盾,有助于加深对师徒带教这一活动体系运作机制以及变革的认识。基于CHAT理论本身的不足,提出了跨文化比较、实证调研等"师徒带教"未来的研究方向。 One mentor to one beginning teacher, one mentor to many beginning teachers, and many mentors to many beginning teachers are the traditional forms of beginning teachers' mentoring practices in China. Collaboration among university, school and training center is the emerging mentoring practices for beginning teachers in China, which is responding to the trend of professional learning community in international teacher education. As the new direction of university-school collaboration, collaboration among university, school and training center is useful to improve the mentoring practices of beginning teachers. In this paper,Cultural-Historical Activity Theory was used to understand the components consist of the beginning teachers' mentoring practices, contradictions within or among the components of beginning teachers' mentoring practices. It helps to deep our understandings of the operation mecha- nism about mentoring practices in teacher education. Given the deficiency of the CHAT, this paper puts forward the research directions about the beginning teachers' mentoring practices in the future.
作者 刘胜男
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期97-102,共6页 Modern Education Management
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究2013年度重大攻关项目"大中小德育课程一体化建设研究"(13JZD046) 2013年华东师范大学学术新人项目资助(xrzz2013026)
关键词 教师师徒带教 “院-校-基地”协作 文化历史活动理论 mentoring practices collaboration among university, school and training center Cultural-Historical Activity Theory
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