
西方教师专业学习共同体中校长领导力类型的研究述评 被引量:9

Literature Review on Principal's Leadership Styles in Professional Learning Community in Western Context
摘要 影响教师专业学习共同体的因素可分为三类:结构、文化与领导力因素;其中,校长领导力处于核心位置。西方不同的研究者从校长在发展教师专业学习共同体的复杂领导行为和多重角色中,抽象出各有侧重点的三种不同路向:教学型、变革型和分布式领导力。根据"融合与权变"的领导力理念,尝试提出拟合不同类型校长领导力核心要素、与共同体发展阶段、学校内外文化性与结构性因素相吻合的校长领导力模型,以推动本土化的探索和研究。 Complex factors influencing teachers' professional learning communities (PLC) in western academic discourse could be divided into three categories: structural, cultural and leadership factors, among which principals' leadership is at the central position. Deriving from complex leadership practices and multiple roles in developing teachers' PLCs, three kinds of principal' s leadership framework are proposed by western researchers. Based on literature review, the article attempted to propose a preliminary principal leadership model, which integrates core elements of different leadership framework considering the stages of PLCs and structural, cultural factors in-outside school, to explain and predict what leadership behaviors principals do during developing teachers' PLCs.
作者 王晓芳
机构地区 香港中文大学
出处 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期103-108,共6页 Modern Education Management
关键词 专业学习共同体 校长领导力 教学型领导力 变革型领导力 分布式领导力 professional learning community principal' s leadership instructional leadership transformational leadership distributed leadership
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