

Aesthetic Interest of Taking “Vulgarity”as “Elegance”in Late Ming Dynasty
摘要 晚明时期,文艺美学活动的以"俗"化"雅",甚至以"俗"为"雅",是对个性解放潮流的响应和推动。其时,手工业和商品经济日趋繁荣,小商品生产者明显分化,资本主义萌芽初步产生的时代,以"俗"为"雅",一定程度上是当时新兴阶层思想的微弱反映。泰州学派王艮所提倡的"日用百姓之道",封建"异端"李贽所宣扬的"人必有私""因材""并育",无不是对新兴阶层的支持,对个性自由发展的尊重。这种争取个性解放的进步思想体现在艺术创作的实践中,则鲜明地表现为雅俗审美诉求的转化与互补,从中,可以看到那个时代的美学精神,感应到时代的律动。 In late Ming dynasty,it is the response and push for personality liberation of the trend that aesthetics interest of literature and art activities gradually change from "vulgarity"to "elegance",even take"vulgarity"as "elegance"itself. During that period of time,handicraft industry and commodity economy boom,commodity producers have clear differentiation,capitalism is at the preliminary stage,therefore,taking "vulgarity"as "elegance"reflects the initial idea of the newly-emerging class. Wang Gen,representative personage of Taizhou school of thought,advocates "daily"people,Li Zhi,the feudal "heresy",preaches"the absolute selfness of persons","teaching students in accordance with their aptitude "and"growing together",all support the newly-emerging class,respect the freedom of personality development. The fight for the progress of individuality liberation thought is embodied in the artistic creation practice,the distinctive expression is composed by the transformation of the aesthetic appeal and complementary. Thus,the aesthetic spirit of the era is revealed.
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2015年第8期31-37,共7页 Journal of Yibin University
基金 国家社科规划基金项目(13AZD029)
关键词 晚明 以“俗”为“雅” 个性解放 时代审美趣尚 Late Ming dynasty taking "vulgarity"as "elegance" personality liberation aesthetic interest of the era
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