
Comparison and Finite Element Analysis of Steel or Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Precast, Prestressed Beams

Comparison and Finite Element Analysis of Steel or Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Precast, Prestressed Beams
摘要 Usage of fiber reinforced concrete to replace shear reinforcement has become more common in the precast industry in recent years. In some cases, the use of steel fibers could be problematic because of corrosion, hence, synthetic material could be a suitable alternative material solution. Thus, it would appear logical to undertake a comparison of these fibers' load bearing capacity to determine suitability in each case. In this paper, the bending and the shear tests of four large-scale and prestressed beams made of steel or synthetic fiber reinforced concrete without stirrups are presented. The post-cracking residual tensile strength diagram of the fibers, according to RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) TC162, is given and the experimental behavior of the fiber solutions is compared. The modified fracture energy method is used to define an advanced material model for the fiber reinforced concrete in the finite element analysis. The numerical calculations and the test results are compared in terms of crack propagation and the loading-deflect'ion process. As a consequence, both steel and synthetic fibers seem to be good alternatives to replace the stirrups. However, the behavior of each fiber is not the same. The numerical calculation provided a good approximation for the real scale tests.
出处 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第9期1054-1059,共6页 土木工程与建筑(英文版)
关键词 Synthetic fiber steel fiber PRESTRESS PRECAST finite element analysis. 合成纤维混凝土 有限元分析 预应力梁 钢纤维 预制 纤维增强混凝土 钢筋混凝土无腹筋梁 国际实验室
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