
Genetic Effect Analysis of Quantitative Traits and Selection of Excellent Population in Betula platyphylla var.mandshurica Hara.

Genetic Effect Analysis of Quantitative Traits and Selection of Excellent Population in Betula platyphylla var.mandshurica Hara.
摘要 Betula platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. is a geographical variant of B. platyphylla Suk. with strong adaptability, rapid growth, fine texture, wide application and other notable features. In order to investigate the genetic effects of quantitative traits and specificity of different populations of B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. , by permanent sample plot continuous measurement and temporary sample plot random investigation, B. platyphyUa var. mandshurica Hara. populations naturally distributed in Zhangguangcailing Mountain and Laoye Mountain in Changbai Mountain Range were used as experimental materials to systemati- cally analyze the growth dynamic patterns of plant height and diameter at breast height, and comprehensively evaluate the genetic effects of various quantitative traits. According to the results, site conditions suitable for B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. were classified into four grades according to the absolute value of partial correlation coefficients. The growth process of B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. stand generally underwent rapid growth period, steady growth period and slow growth period. The growth of B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. stand at different growth stages varied signitlcantly among various site grades, but the growth trend was basieally the same. Plant height, diameter at breast height, east-west crown diameter and north-south crown diameter varied significantly among B. platyphylla vat. mandshurica Hara. populations, exhibiting extremely significant differences. The heritability of four growth traits was 0. 558,0. 762, 0. 652 and 0. 722, respectively; the genetic gain was 8.09%, 17.67%, 14.56% and 17.53%, respectively. Based on comprehensive evaluation of various indicators, MES (Maoershan) was identified as an excellent population, which exhibited minor variations between individuals within the population, stable growth, strong growth potential and remarkable genetie effects. Betula platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. is a geographical variant of B. platyphylla Suk. with strong adaptability, rapid growth, fine texture, wide application and other notable features. In order to investigate the genetic effects of quantitative traits and specificity of different populations of B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. , by permanent sample plot continuous measurement and temporary sample plot random investigation, B. platyphyUa var. mandshurica Hara. populations naturally distributed in Zhangguangcailing Mountain and Laoye Mountain in Changbai Mountain Range were used as experimental materials to systemati- cally analyze the growth dynamic patterns of plant height and diameter at breast height, and comprehensively evaluate the genetic effects of various quantitative traits. According to the results, site conditions suitable for B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. were classified into four grades according to the absolute value of partial correlation coefficients. The growth process of B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. stand generally underwent rapid growth period, steady growth period and slow growth period. The growth of B. platyphylla var. mandshurica Hara. stand at different growth stages varied signitlcantly among various site grades, but the growth trend was basieally the same. Plant height, diameter at breast height, east-west crown diameter and north-south crown diameter varied significantly among B. platyphylla vat. mandshurica Hara. populations, exhibiting extremely significant differences. The heritability of four growth traits was 0. 558,0. 762, 0. 652 and 0. 722, respectively; the genetic gain was 8.09%, 17.67%, 14.56% and 17.53%, respectively. Based on comprehensive evaluation of various indicators, MES (Maoershan) was identified as an excellent population, which exhibited minor variations between individuals within the population, stable growth, strong growth potential and remarkable genetie effects.
作者 Shibo LAN
出处 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2015年第5期22-25,28,共5页 农业生物技术(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Forestry Public Welfare Industry Research of China(201204307-07) Project for National Forest Tree Germplasm Platform Running Service of China(2011DKA21003-02) Science and Technology Support Program of Heilongjiang Province(GB07B301)
关键词 Betula platyphylla var. mandshurica Ham. POPULATION Growth dynamics Genetic variation Genetic effects Comprehensive evaluation Betula platyphylla var. mandshurica Ham. Population Growth dynamics Genetic variation Genetic effects Comprehensive evaluation
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